Sunday, 4 November 2007

Jim White

The Borderline, Saturday 3 November

It's always as entertaining to hear what Jim White has to say as much as what he's got to sing. Last night's packed show was no exception with Jim sharing banter with his two bandmates (guitarist Pat on particularly fine form) and recalling some wonderful tales from his troubled stint as a New York cabbie, a period in his life when you suspect he struggled with his own psychosis as much as difficult passengers. These included attempting to share a 'vision' with Woody Allen and yelling driving tips to Paul Simon: "Slow down! You move too fast!"

Jim is always at pains to stress that songs about subjects like a motor home-driving Jesus are only fanciful to audiences who've never stepped foot in his hometown of Pensacola, Florida. Anyone who has seen his star turn in the superb film Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus won't disagree.

Jim's approach to merchandise is also refreshingly unique. Forced to finish his set by 10.30 to accommodate the Borderline's Saturday club night, Jim set up stall on the pavement outside to sell not only CDs, but also shirts, jackets and caps he didn't want to lug home after a month of touring (those weight allowances on flights can be restrictive).

I've yet to hear the new album, Transnormal Skiperoo, but from what Jim played last night it sounds as gloriously off-beam as his previous releases.

If you've never encountered Jim White, this short documentary about the new record hints at what you're missing, as do the MP3s to download below.


MP3: Jim White - Still Waters

MP3: Jim White: If Jesus Drove A Motor Home


Transnormal Skiperoo

Searching For The Wrong-Eyed Jesus DVD



Sam Jordison said... 1

Great post!

Transnormal Skiperoo is typically brilliant...
It contains one of the best Jesus jokes in rock and roll history, heart-wrenchers about crazy friends' sad ends, high end swampy gothic as per normal and curiously upbeat songs about colours.

I saw JW in Oxford a few weeks ago . Also superb. Also, stories about taxi driving, most memorably one about how he realised he had "something going on" when a 'psychic' passenger became so interested in what was going on in Jim W's head that she took him out for drink (also seemingly wanting to make a pass at him). In the bar JW says he went on a two hour monologue, freaking the woman out so much that she suddenly ran out mid-conversation...

There was also a very good riff about the Japanese drummer who doesn't drink...

Funnily enough he had to finish the Oxford gig early too because of a club night in the new and souless Carling Academy...

Thanks for the film link - really cool!

Sam Jordison said... 2

Oh yes! And anyone reading this wondering whether to rent/ but The Wrong Eyed Jesus film, don't hesitate. It's unforgettable.

Under The Glass said... 3

Certainly nice to see Athenians make good. Fabulous.

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