Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Tom Waits - Theme Music for Iron Man 2

Fans of the Song Wars segment on Adam & Joe's much-missed 6 Music radio show will know the pair are parody song maestros. This week's edition of Adam's Big Mix Tape, guest presented by alter-ego Ken Korda, had a film theme and featured this brilliant imagining of what might have happened if the theme song duties for Iron Man 2 had been given to Tom Waits rather than AC/DC. There is of course a loose connection between Tom and Iron Man 2: Scarlett Johansson released an album of Waits covers back in 2008.

Here's Ken Korda's introduction followed by the song itself.

MP3: Ken Korda - Iron Man 2 backstory

MP3: 'Tom Waits' - Iron Man 2

Related Links
Adam Buxton's Big Mix Tape - listen online to the 6 Music show
Adam & Joe's Blog - contribute to their shows
Adam Buxton's personal website - includes Adam's blog
Tom Waits - official site


L said... 1

Brilliant - thanks so much for sharing this.

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